Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Programing Tool-- The NORMAL Solution

In Programming our objective to create a script that solves some major issue in the modeling to texturing to production pipeline and with this solution then offer a simple tool for any basic user to understand and implement. When importing into UDK I often find that forgetting to check all of one's models face normals can lead to backfacing inside the engine. While a simple fix, it would always make life easier if one could check normals, display them, see which ones need be fixed visually, and them proceed to fix them all in one application. This is my goal for the assignment done in Python in the Maya script editor.

PSEUDO CODE: (Has no physical function yet)

import maya.cmds as cmds

selected = ls(sl=True)

selected object runs this on tool activation

Maya command- toggle face normals on selected

Maya command- toggle backface culling on selected

Activate interface

Upon second click

Maya command- unlock normals, set to face normals, conform normals

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