Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 4 3D WIP Sketchbook

Here's another rock, this one, meant to exaggerate certain forms and feel more alien and unatural

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blocking out Our Boss Battle

For my team's Boss battle in class we decided to do a continuous fight against a creature as you, the hunter, attempt to track and defeat this animal. This progressive fight will be chase- based and will feature the player pursuing this boss thorough 6 different environments.
The white stars represent the scripted events that the animal performs and the color coding of the environments represent eh increase in difficulty.

1. The player begins in the meadow where the animal is introduced and runs away
2. Here he can be seen again but it is shown that he will not move until damaged
3. then, in the forest, then animal will drop an undecided damaging spawn or egg that will harm he player if she she walks over it
4-5. Next the player must continue this process through and over many chasms and gaps, as well as an abandoned house. The second mechanic or obstacle of falling rocks as the player chases it up a cliff will be represented here.
6. Finally, The player comes to a clearing where the animal's nest is where he she must finally confront the beat where it will present the last mechanic of throwing rocks

WIN STATE: Animals health is 0

From Evolve, one of our main target references

Friday, October 31, 2014

Analyzing Boss Battles

For my particular Boss Battle Analysis I did the fight against Sodom in "Final Fight" for SNES. Sodom is the Boss of the second main level, the subway area in the game.

Because the battle happens in a single stage, a closed arena, the player is essentially trapped with the samurai warrior Sodom until one or the other dies. However, upon failure, a complete Game Over is issued, as the game was initially and arcade game requiring more quarters to keep the save.

The player is spawned at one end of the ring and must over to Sodom in the opposing corner. Because fo the movement mechanics of the platformer, there is only 4 player spaces that he/she can move isometrically.

Sodom fights with 2 katanas that the player can retrieve if he/she damages him enough, causing him to drop one. However, Sodom can also retrieve his swords by using a charge attack that knocks the player down.

Occasionally, a knife will spawn directly before the player fights him. This is rare, but can sometimes help the player in this fight. As the second Boss, he is not overly difficult to defeat but presents a grave threat to unseasoned fighters.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Game Mechanics Ideas

For my ideas of in Game Mechanics I came up with:

1. Double Jumping
2. Racing Based Speed Traps (increase player time)
3. Night Vision
4. Invisibility
5. Minefields
6. Grappling Gun
7. Gliding
8. Telekinetics
9. Heat Seeking Rockets
10. Horror Flashlights

The Final Idea that was chosen was the Horror Flashlight exploration in which the main charter's daughter has lost her toy somewhere in the Park she was playing at earlier i the evening. Now the father must go out after dark and search for the toy, in the creepy, rusty old playground with a dark woods surrounding it. Many obstacles will lay in the players way like

-Bear traps from eccentric hunters
- Scary glowing eyes that disappear under the player's flashlight
- Dark moving shadowy figures along the periphery of the FOV
- Time based doors that will unlock to the player's touch
- Booby traps?


Reference for this Game includes, but is not limited to

Left 4 Dead
Blair Witch Project
Call of Duty Nazi Zombies mode
Dead Rising
Dead Island
5 Nights at Freddys

My Partner in the feat Brittany Shively will also be working on accomplishing this game mechanic and basic level with me and her progress blog and portfolio can be found Here